
On 1 August 2014 the Trust became a multi-academy trust, changing its name to Airedale Academies Trust, and taking on responsibility for operating Oyster Park Primary School.  Airedale Infants School and Airedale Junior School joined the Trust on 1 November 2014 and 1 January 2015 respectively. We then changed our name again in July 2017 to reflect our desire to raise the ambitions of children across the North of England.

The governing documents of the Trust - which set out how the Trust is required to operate - are the memorandum and articles. The internal arrangements for the governance of the Trust, including the roles and remits of its committees, are set out in a Governance Handbook. 

In addition to the memorandum and articles, the Trust and its academies are also governed by the terms of the master and supplementary funding agreements with the DfE (Department for Education).

Trust Articles of Association

Governance Handbook

Trust Scheme of Delegation

Funding Agreement